Friday, March 20, 2015


Koi (Cyprinus carpio)
Koi is a fish that has been around a long time used as a pet fish. Therefore, no wonder if the fish is very popular among hobbyists almost worldwide. The selling price was highly variable ranging from cheap to very expensive. Koi fish are from china and growing rapidly in Japan since 200 years ago until now. Koi fish is quite long. Koi reputedly the most longevity is in Japan the 226-year-old. Koi age can be calculated from the annual cycle is in its scale. For breeders in Japan cultivate Koi fish is regarded as an art rather than a business. Therefore the trend of these fish are always evolving all the time.

His body is elongated cylindrical shape like a torpedo with a very wide range of colors so loved among hobbyists. This fish is very beautiful when looked at from above. Therefore, it is more suitable fish reared in fish ponds are placed in the yard of the house.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


GUPPY (Poecilia SP)

Fish origin of the United States, Central America, and South America is dubbed as a thousand fish. Its presence can now be found almost all over the world. Guppy originally introduced for mosquito control fish, even in West Java Guppy often found in the trenches. But this time Guppy better known as one of the ornamental fish are quite popular.



Its small size, rapid growth, varying colors make this fish is also often used as an ingredient in the practice of the science of genetics. Breeding engineering developments undertaken by practitioners and hobbyists have produced many varieties of guppies with color and shapes that vary fins. It is said that the dorsal fin guppy sparkling neon is the result of genetic engineering because the guppy conducted trial included DNA from jellyfish.

In morphology, a slender body shape guppy, somewhat elongated, and has a dorsal fin and tail fin are widened. When swimming, these fins flapping like a flag so that there is also the name of this fish fishing flags. Tail fin is quite unique because it can inflate a half circle with color variations depending on the varieties ranging from blue, red, green to the colors mix.
Similarly, hickey, male guppy fish also has a color and fin shape much better and wider than the females. Therefore, the sale generally is male guppy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Betta (betta SP)
Hickey is a fish very much fans ranging from children to adults. Its small size is an excess of hickey making it easier to maintain because it does not require a large container. Even jars or bottles can be used to maintain Hickey.
Based on the fins, there are two types of Hickey, the short-finned betta known as Betta fighting and long finned betta known as ornamental Hickey. The dorsal fin stems somewhat backward, while the belly fins slightly forward.

Neither the ornamental or betta Betta fights, the kind that males tend to have a higher selling power than the females. This is because the male is often used as a complaint. Similarly, Ornamental Hickey, the kind that are male has the appearance and the color is much more attractive than the females, the color is more rapid and long fins with different colors that lure. Betta colored female sex is more faded and shorter fins. This makes the price becomes cheaper, except when used as sires with breeding purposes. 


Neither betta Betta fighting and slightly flattened body shape to the side and slightly wide-mouthed and somewhat thick-lipped.

Betta species diversity at a very high, among others include the color and shape of fins. Colors appear on ornamental fish include blue, red, greenery, grayish, white and yellow or variations of these colors. Likewise, the various forms of fin raises many diverse variations hickey.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Botia / the Clown Loach (Botia Loach)

This type of fish is very behavior, particularly in overseas markets. During this time, Botia more taken from nature. This is because Botia can not rely on breeding and production is still caught from the wild. In addition, there are government regulations to maintain its sustainability so that there is no prohibition to capture or trade Botia measuring more than 15cm. Therefore, if it is not matched by breeding efforts , retrieval of natural Botia performed continuously can damage the ornamental fish populations.

One pull of data Botia is body shape like a torpedo with a slightly curved back and a small mouth tapered towards the bottom. Botia movement is also very agile and active.

Her body is striped black and yellow striped  make it look like tiger stripes and dubbed as "Tiger Fish". Red to orange fins. Botia are popular with hobbyists is the bright golden yellow and black shiny.

Botia happy hiding and do not like bright light. Nature is an indication that a maintenance Botia should be made in  dim atmosphere. In addition, Botia also includes fish are easily startled. When startled, Botia will lope. To that should be a given maintenance or attempted cover the water surface conduction distance and lips a pretty high maintenance.

Monday, March 16, 2015


BLACK GHOST (Apteronotus albifrons)
Black Ghost is one of imported ornamental fish are quite popular in Indonesia. Plain black body color and there is a little white on the tail and head. Jet black body color is what makes it dubbed Black ghost. Despite its name spooky, this fish is not scary. Precisely body shape which resembles banners or leaves the flat to the side and elongated look very attractive.
Fin stomach with fingers elongated fins are very delicate and can be fused with the body. However, this fish has no dorsal fin. Body movement when swimming is very interesting, when the fin flapping bottom so that it looks like a flag in the wind.

Consumers typically want a Black Ghost fish skin shiny and slick black as the color of a bat with fins should really tightly without tearing.
Fish Black Ghost known glad attached to the substrate and often hide in the hole. Therefore, on-site maintenance should be hideout. Black Ghost including fish fairly tolerant of water so that the water does not need frequent replacement done. But the water conditions where maintenance should still be maintained because when water conditions are not good black on the skin becomes smooth and looks like a moldy.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Types Of Freswater Fish

         Color and shape into a strong appeal of this ornamental fish. For those who believe, this fish was regarded as a carrier hockey to become another attraction for fans.
         Based on the origin, arowana fish were divided into two groups, namely arowana from Brazil and from Indonesia. Arowana from Brazil has the scientific name Osteoglossum sp. The shape is flattened sideways elongated and tapered toward the tail. Dorsal and pelvic fins also extends towards the tail so that the tail fin becomes a bit narrower. Composition between scales less or not too clear. However, the majority of this type of arowana silver white or black.

          Arowana native of Indonesia, there are two types, namely Sclerophagus formosus from kalimantan and Sumatra and Sclerophagus jardini from Irian. The second type of arowana have the same body shape, which is rather thick and elongated, but not tapered towards the tail. Straight head shape with a wide mouth facing up. Big eyes and scowled at her lower lip. Dorsal and pelvic fins towards the tail is relatively small. The pectoral fins are almost triangular shape with size is not too big and rounded tail fin. Large scales - great with between scales arrangement clearly visible. This is because every suburb scales ringed clearer and older.

           On the world market, Sclerophagus formosus has a very high selling price and known as the star of Indonesian ornamental fish. The color range - a wide, among others green, yellow, silvery white, reddish yellow, and expensive is red. According to trust the hobbyists, red arowana -is-especially fish gods to bring good luck. Not surprisingly, the price could reach millions of dollars per tail.
           While Sclerophagus jardini generally somewhat purplish colored silver or pink inclined. Arowana Agency is a bit thicker than Sclerophagus formosus.

 Aside from its shiny, quality arowana is also very dependent on the completeness / normality organs . Scales and whiskers are vulnerable arowana organ problems , especially arowana fish classified as agile and aggressive . Especially when you're surprised or stressed . If so , arowana will jump - jump or hit a wall aquarium / tub so that its needle broken blisters and scales . This can lead to the emergence of infectious diseases such lain.  To maintain quality , it is necessary prudence in handling and avoid falling or bruising arowana .

            In the aquarium conditions are comfortable , arowana can show gentle movements . However , when startled , hungry , or there is a moving feed ( eg lizard that passes over it ) , this fish jump high enough . Therefore , the closure of the aquarium becomes absolute to do .

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Several Types Of Discus

Discus Fish with the Latin name Symphysodon discus is a type of freshwater fish that many enjoy doing community. Discus name comes from the shape of the body that is similar to a CD or disk plates that stand upright and rounded. Discus including the cichlid family and genus Symphysodon (having in the middle of the jaw). Fundamental uniqueness in the disc that is on the line - the line of the transverse body from the tip of the tail to the head, that's why the hobbyist choose fish discus fish is to be maintained in aquarium.Discus Fish origin.

Discus fish from the river Amazon (Brazil). Discus has a fairly favorable economic value depends on the brightness of the colors will be more intricate batik expensive. why the price of discus fish is expensive? I think it is only natural because getting a new species that is not easy and requires the mind, energy and time that is long enough to get the kind that we want it. Discus fish suitable maintained at a temperature of 25-30oC. the acidity (pH) of about 5 to 6.5.

 1. Leopard Snake Skin
 2.  Pigeon

3. Golden

The King Of Fresh Water

Talk about freshwater fish in the know for sure this one kind of fish. The fish are very beautiful and graceful. Why is beautiful and graceful? Because these fish are inappropriately active and agile, but relaxed and graceful.

The most important of these fish is a lot of color variation. Discus Fish is one of the icons of freshwater fish are timeless. Demand is always there and never drowned by the types of new fish market.

The discus fish including species of fish are spoiled and so require special attention. Ph levels stable and needs clean water becomes a major factor of this fish. Ph good for these fish ranged between 6.5 and 7.5 no less and no more. These fish also include fish that are not resistant to cold temperatures, so it must be kept in the aquarium water temperature not less than 28 degrees Celsius. Usually these fish will be afraid and easily hurt if your tank water temperature drops below 28 degrees Celsius.


Discus fish food can be frozen and given worm-shaped granules and pellets also submerged in water. Of course, the provision of vitamins and water conditioner is indispensable if the fish stay healthy and disease free. Beef heart and frozen blender can also be used as a good feed for color. So that the more brightly colored fish we and enchanting. If you want your fish into a bright color, can also use the drug so that the color is rapidly rising. However, administration of the drug can result in instant dye fish can not grow to the maximum or can also make the fish can not reproduce or barren.