Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Botia / the Clown Loach (Botia Loach)

This type of fish is very behavior, particularly in overseas markets. During this time, Botia more taken from nature. This is because Botia can not rely on breeding and production is still caught from the wild. In addition, there are government regulations to maintain its sustainability so that there is no prohibition to capture or trade Botia measuring more than 15cm. Therefore, if it is not matched by breeding efforts , retrieval of natural Botia performed continuously can damage the ornamental fish populations.

One pull of data Botia is body shape like a torpedo with a slightly curved back and a small mouth tapered towards the bottom. Botia movement is also very agile and active.

Her body is striped black and yellow striped  make it look like tiger stripes and dubbed as "Tiger Fish". Red to orange fins. Botia are popular with hobbyists is the bright golden yellow and black shiny.

Botia happy hiding and do not like bright light. Nature is an indication that a maintenance Botia should be made in  dim atmosphere. In addition, Botia also includes fish are easily startled. When startled, Botia will lope. To that should be a given maintenance or attempted cover the water surface conduction distance and lips a pretty high maintenance.

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